Hijab Hunt 2012 held by Detik Forum
I'm interested in to join this event. I knew it in Sisterhood by Dian Pelangi's event. Because of I'm too busy for my last exam (sidang), I just able to take a pictures after I finished it. FYI, I've just finished my bachelor degree on Friday August 10th, 2012. Yeayyy!!
Alhamdulillah :)
Oya, this event also featuring Dian Pelangi.
These are my photo shoot.
I'm in R E D !
why red? focus on my pants with little square pattern by Hush Puppies (I've this pants since 2000)
love it so much!
why red? focus on my pants with little square pattern by Hush Puppies (I've this pants since 2000)
love it so much!
Photograph by Nabilla N. Aryati (@nabiyye)
Thank you for visit :)